Saturday, December 15, 2012

Three Days In

It is currently 8:04AM on a Saturday, and I am delighted to have slept in until 7:40 today.  So many small changes!  My oven is being used for the fourth day in a row.  Poor thing better not poop out on me!  One night both my dishwasher, washing machine, and BOTH bathtubs were being used at the same time.  I can't stay on top of kitchen crumbs...  My bathroom sink is nasty....especially because the cleaning supplies are no longer under it for me to quickly clean it with.
So many changes!  Those are the small ones, the ones I marvel over and cannot believe my life has held.
Meeting so many new people has tired me out.  Foster care worker, case aide, birth mom, sisters, teacher, principal, daycare staff - and then the people just on the phone, like the therapist.  And most importantly the boys and their previous relative caregivers.  It is full.  My amazing support system has fed us and completely been there for me to talk to and share my pain.  They are full of love.  I know I am not doing this on my own. 
So, the two boys.  I cannot believe what wonderful kids they are.  That is one of goals: to let them be KIDS.  The 9 year old is constantly trying to parent his brother (three years old).  We have not had one behavior issue.  A little bit of "oh man" over shower time and some of my homework rules:), but he is a delightful little boy.  He's Lego obsessed and thankfully not just about building them, because that kind of lifestyle cannot be sustained by me.  He's playing with them now, as I type, still in my PJS on the couch and my friend's breakfast casserole cooks.  The 3 year old is still sleeping:)  He (both of them) need their sleep!  We have been in bed no later than 8:30 and closer to 8 all week.  I let the 9 year old (I really need to find something to call him here!) stay up till 9 last night, and he slept until 8 today.  So, the 3 yo is a delight as well.  He wakes up happy and giggling and views everyday as a great adventure.  He did fabulous at daycare yesterday.  He did not nap, but rested, and participated in everything.
Although it is crazy and exhausting, this is my life right now.  I'm loving it.  I love these boys already and they just belong here. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The New Adventure Begins...

Now comes the time, where investing my love also means investing my life.  (Mumford and Sons is my absolute favorite, fyi.)
Becoming a foster parent is a desire I have had for a couple of  years now.  I never knew how it would work for me exactly, but knew that someday I wanted to do this.  Last year I bought a house, with two extra bedrooms.  I don't need all of that room!  I also switched jobs, to one with more stable hours that I have control over.  But it still was not time, as my season of grief was still very intense.  The season of grief lifted in June.  Grief is still always with me, but it is different now.  I gave myself the summer for self care, and that it was!
So in September, the foster care journey began.  I work in the field, so I was aware of how it goes.  The agency I worked with is wonderful, my licensing worker is fabulous, so licensing has been pretty straightforward.  Keep in mind that there is just me to get all of the information on, not a household of people.
Two weeks ago I got an email saying we are almost complete with your homestudy, and oh wait, there is a potential placement.  I gasped and thought about it, prayed out loud, and said let me know more.  Sure, this is soon, but I didn't sign up for this to say NO.  If the timing is right, it will work out.  Slowly more information was shared with me.  The placement is for two boys, who are 3 and 9.  They are moving from a relative placement for reasons not related to the boys behaviors (whew!).
The past week was a flurry of preparing my house, lifestyle, and heart for this.  I am amazed by the supportive community around me who is welcoming these boys so well.  Today I checked the state's website, and sure enough, I am now listed as a licensed foster parent!  Hoping and praying that today means MOVE day. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

It is Well

August 30.  I'm smiling looking back on a summer well lived.  It is a gorgeous Thursday evening without any plans.  I'm on my comfy couch with my laptop hoping to watch a Tigers win while I pay bills, do laundry, clean, and reflect on the past few months. 
I'm feeling so recharged, so at peace with life, myself, and God.  I think a large part of that has to do with being outside lately.  Randomly, two weeks ago my sister and I decided our summers needed more camping.  So she snagged a spot at Holland State Park Sunday through Thursday.  I went out there Sunday afternoon and set up (alone, in the rain, with people staring at me. Less than desirable.)  I worked all week, some of the week from the site, and she joined me Monday afternoon.  That added boost of cooking outside every day, walking, the beach!, swimming, kayaking, fires -- filled me up.  I love camping: for one, the memories I have are priceless.  I love being outside.  We had gorgeous weather.  State parks are lovely but not ideal: I'm now craving a solo rustic camping experience.  Perhaps Mid October? 
Our site!  Quite nice and private.  Brand new canopy, thanks Kell!

Beach: nothing better than quiet time with the waves, the sun, the sand.

Today my team at work went on a grand kayaking adventure. It was a perfect morning for it: sunny and warm, but some crispness to the air.  Kayaking is one of my very favorite things, and breaking out of the office and doing it with some people I love was a great workday morning. 
Long weekend ahead: beach time, painting at home, kayaking, a massage, shopping and back to back Tiger games in Detroit.  Its a good life.