Thursday, January 10, 2013

Routine, we love you!

the return to school, regularness....  It was so needed here and is going so well.  After a couple of rough days last week trying to sort through what on earth I am doing, who are these kids, and yes, I really signed up for this voluntarily - followed by a weekend of just not feeling like myself, even when things are going well - I got slammed with The Cold.  No fun at all.  Day 8 today.  I took Monday off from work, worked a normal day Tuesday, and spent Wednesday working from home.  And bam!  My energy returned, in full force.  I feel like I can embrace this role in new ways.  The worker that didn't write back did write back, supported me, and showed up too.  My family and friends continue to love these two sweet boys ( and me too) and express that love in beautiful ways.  From a fellow single mom friend who spent her only afternoon off making and dropping off dinner to us, to the random emails checking in on me, coworker's concern, super kind bus driver, sister stopping by and the boys being so excited, my brother and sister in law being thrilled about babysitting this weekend and me getting a night out....  We are making it - not just surviving, even thriving a little. 

Oh yes, and the kids, since that was all about me.  :)  The oldest is just excellent.  Back in school which he loves.  He was so proud to tell me that he met his AR reading goal for the first time all year.  We worked on the 7 time tables this week, and by last night, he had them nailed!  He knows all but one of his spelling words perfectly for tomorrow.  I'm so proud of him.  He's loving our routine too.  He's not complaining about chores, or showering.  He has very dry skin, so we are putting lotion on his back/arms after showers.  That is a good, natural bonding method that seems to help too. 

Today was a visit, and due to mom being very late, it was cancelled for her.  The siblings got time together.  The oldest and I talked about this and his feelings.  He told me that mom has her first class she has to go to the next day, and added "so it sounds like we'll be here awhile, and that is okay with me". 

The little guy is himself again:)  Funny, hamming it up, and just thrilled to have the security of a routine.  We brought a cup of water in the car two days in a row when he was sick...and now that means we leave with a cup of water every day.  He must hang his coat up upon arriving home and will not let anything stand in his way.  He's eating better, sleeping amazing, and is just a super little guy.  This morning I was not ready on time and he was so perplexed.  He seriously stood there watching me do my hair with his hands in his pockets, despite my encouragement to play.  Nope, its the routine to leave for school after he is ready.  Yesterday while I was leaving his school, I heard him say "my mom's going bye bye".  He  meant me.  He calls me Mama Katie, but not "mom" all by itself.  That is who I need to be to him now, to meet those maternal needs and also encourage the bond with his birthmom. 

Its a good week.  We passed the one month mark and it feels good to be myself again. 

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